AI, AI, Oh!

Okay, I’m just spit ballin’ here so bear with me… But could it be possible that Chat GPT itself had something to do with super tech star bro billionaire Sam Altman’s unbelievably abrupt outster? The sudden, mysterious ouster of Mr. Altman, the chief executive of OpenAI, by the company’s board sent shock waves through the tech world and set off a frenetic guessing game about what brought down one of the industry’s biggest stars, at a time when everything seemed to be going his way. Many Details of Sam Altman’s Ouster Are Murky. But Some Things Are Clear. DNYUZ, November 18, … Continue reading AI, AI, Oh!

Peak Elon

Ever since gazillionaire Elon Musk got high with Joe Rogan on Rogan’s podcast…

He has steadily gotten weirder and weirder.

This is even above and beyond his self-confessed, and self-admiring, weird megalomaniacal Napolean Bonaparte complex.

But I’m not here to bash on Elon today*.

Because I recently logged into his Starlink network.

And let me tell you…

Continue reading “Peak Elon”

Still kinda thinking about converting one of my books into a GIF and selling it as an NFT…

Well, maybe I’m not thinking so much about converting one of my books into an NFT — that just seems too futile and heartbreaking an endeavor — but I am still thinking about and trying to understand this whole nutty … Continue reading Still kinda thinking about converting one of my books into a GIF and selling it as an NFT…

And the geeks shall inherit the earth…

Or something like that. For all you computer nerds out there, this is an excellent read from Wired on the making, undoing, and remaking of a hacker. Tried to highlight some of the spooky goings on of the Dark Web in my last book The Good Kill. That stuff fascinates me in an horrifying, schadenfreude kind of way… Hutchins remembers mentally racing through every possible illegal thing he’d done that might have interested Customs. Surely, he thought, it couldn’t be the thing, that years-old, unmentionable crime… #alonetogetherwithmycommodore64 Continue reading And the geeks shall inherit the earth…

Goodreads, Goodreads… Wherefore Art Thou Goodreads?

You know, I’ve tried and I’ve tried…

I really have!

I have tried and I have tried to maintain a loving relationship with Goodreads.

I’ve done everything it’s asked me to do.

I’ve set up both a user and an Author account…

I’ve added all my books, both the ones I’ve written and (most of) the ones I’ve read…

I’ve sent out friend requests to other users who seem to have like literary tastes as I…

I’ve friended those who’ve requested the same of me…

But after nearly a decade of trying to find meaning and purpose in my relationship with Goodreads, all it’s ever shown me has been indifference and insurmountable complexities.

It and I just have never been able to click.

Continue reading “Goodreads, Goodreads… Wherefore Art Thou Goodreads?”

A Web Security PSA Because I Love You

Okay, I’ve never used Cloudflare before and I don’t own any stocks in it that I know so I’m passing this info along simply because I’m a dude* who hates having my cookies tracked and Facebook selling me out to the Russians and all the other creepy Dark Web stuff (or is it Deep Web stuff?) that I always feel threatened by and I assume you’re of the same mind, may god bless your poor soul if you are.

If you’re not familiar with Cloudflare, here is what pops up when asking Bing, what is Cloudflare:

Continue reading “A Web Security PSA Because I Love You”

“The Way” of Technology

Well, my bold Westworld binge-watching bonanza proclamation turned out to be nothing more than a bunch of ballyhooed BS…

I only got through the fourth episode before running out of time.

Consequently, I can’t provide anything much in the way of a review. But I can provide a bit of feedback that might mean something about its watchability

Which is… I kept falling asleep while watching it.

Now, full disclosure, I’ve taken some of my best naps during what turned out to be some of my favorite shows so my inability to stay awake while watching Westworld in and of itself doesn’t mean that much.

As for what I was able to stay awake for… I really like what it is trying to do in concept; however, its execution…

Continue reading ““The Way” of Technology”